Dave Barker
Course Director / Scoutmaster
Coastal District
Owl: SR 795
I was a Cub Scout as a youth, earning the Wolf, Bear, and Lion Badge. My family moved, when I was 11 years old, and I did not continue with Scouting in our new community.
I became involved in Scouting, again, when my oldest son, joined Pack 609 in League City, as a Tiger Scout. I was his Bear Leader, Webelos Leader, and was the Achievements Leader, for the Pack for five years. My youngest son, also joined Pack 609 as a Tiger Scout.
Both sons crossed over to Troop 609. I was an Assistant Scoutmaster for three years, and was the Scoutmaster at Troop 609 for eight years.
In 2012, I helped to start Troop 9310 in League City, and have been the Scoutmaster of Troop 9310 for the past three years.
I have led a Troop Northern Tier expedition, and have participated in three Philmont Council Contingencies — leading the Contingency in 2004 and 2007. This past summer, I trekked Philmont with my Troop – my fourth summer trek, plus I have participated at two winter treks at Philmont. I have staffed Pow Wows, University of Scouting, Scouters Success Seminar, the BSA 2005 Jamboree in Virginia, am a member of the Coastal District’s Training Team, and was an Assistant Scoutmaster for the Council’s Youth Leadership Training at Camp K in 2005.
I attended college at Angelo State University and earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. I have worked for Amoco/BP for 35 years. I am the Procurement Manager, for Capital Projects in the Gulf of Mexico.
I am married to Kim Barker, and as noted above, have two sons, aged 23 and 25 — both Eagle Scouts.
I have been awarded the District Award of Merit, a Council Silver Beaver, a Paul Harris Fellow (by the Rotary Club) and was a member of the Owl Patrol from Wood Badge Course SR-795. I have staffed four Wood Badge courses. I am Vigil with the Order of the Arrow.
Regina Burdett
SPL (Senior Patrol Leader)
Coastal District
Owl: SR 866
I began my scouting experience 13 years ago when my oldest son, who is now an Eagle Scout, signed up to be a Tiger Scout. I began as Pack committee secretary and then became Committee Chair. Once he moved into Boy Scouts, I then became the Troop Committee secretary and ASM, which I continue to do now. As I continued in the Troop, I went back to Cub Scouts to be a leader for my youngest son’s den. So I have been a Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos Leader and Asst. Cub Master. Our youngest is now a 1st class scout in Troop 615 and enjoying his journey toward Eagle
I was the Coastal District Roundtable Commissioner for 7 years. On a Council level, I have worked different years at the Scouter Success Seminars as the midway coordinator, instructor and seminar coordinator. I am also a botherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. My role is the ceremony team schedule coordinator for the Coastal District Do Pah Ke Sto Wa-we-ski Chapter.
My Wood Badge experience started as an Owl in course SR-866. I have since been a Troop Guide for SR-941, ASM-Troop Guides for S3-574-11-1 and ASM-Program for S3-574-13-1.
I have received the Silver Beaver, District Award of Merit, Distinguished Commissioner Service Award, Anchor Award, and Unit Spark Award.
Bill Griffin
ASM – Program
Sam Houston Area Council
Owl: SR 941
Bill was a Cub Scout in Lake Jackson as a youth, earning the Wolf, Bear, and Lion Rank; and a Boy Scout, earning First Class Rank. He first became an adult leader in 1989 when his oldest son was a Wolf Scout. Since then Bill has been a Tiger Den Leader, Den Leader, Webelos Leader, Cubmaster, Committee Chair, and Pack Trainer within the Pack, and Committee Chair and Assistant Scoutmaster within the Troop.
At the District level, Bill has chaired the Nominating Committee, Finance Committee, and Training Committee, and served as Unit Commissioner and Roundtable Commissioner.
He had the privilege to staff the 2010 BSA Jamboree in Virginia and serve as Course Director for Bay Area Council’s 2014 National Youth Leadership Training. Bill was a member of the Owl Patrol from Wood Badge Course SR-941.
Bill earned a BBA in Marketing and a MBA in Marketing Research from Texas A&M University. He worked for six years with IBM Corporation and the last 31 years with BMC Software in Houston. Bill and his lovely wife, Linda, have been married for 36 years and have two daughters, four sons (all active in Scouting), five granddaughters, and one grandson.
Doug Burdett
ASM – Administration
Coastal District
Beaver: SR 626
I was a Cub Scout as a youth, earning the Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light. With no active troop in the area, I was not involved in Scouts until my oldest son joined as a Tiger. I have served as a Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Leader as well as a Cubmaster for Pack 615. During these years I also served as a Twilight Camp and Cub-O-Ree Rangemaster and lead the ranges for a number of years. I was also a Unit Commissioner.
I have been an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 615 for one year and have served as Scoutmaster for over eight years. My oldest son is an Eagle Scout and has comes back to help out as an ASM on occasion. I have been to Northern Tier with Troop 615 and served as Scoutmaster for Bay Area Council’s Troop 1610 to the National Jamboree in 2010. My youngest son is now a First Class Scout and is enjoying his journey to Eagle.
I have attended the Philmont Training Center twice. I organized BAC’s first Scouter Success Seminar and have staffed three seminars since. I have staffed at University of Scouting and I am a member of the Coastal District Training team and enjoy training when my schedule allows.
My Wood Badge experience started as a Beaver in course SR-626. I have since been an instructor for SR-795, Scribe for SR-866, Troop Guide for SR-941, ASM-Program for S3-574-11-1 and ASM – Administrator for S3-574-13-1.
I have received Coastal District Cubmaster of the Year, District Award of Merit, Scoutmaster Award of Merit, and the William D. Boyce New Unit Organizer Award (Crew 615).
Joe Rowden Jr.
ASM – Troop Guides
Northern Star District
Fox: SR 941
Joe Rowden Jr. Age 48 has been Married to Tammy for 23 years and is a Father of four, 3 Sons All Eagle Scouts and a daughter Venture Silver Scout.
He has been an Adult Scout Leader for 14 years and is Currently Committee Chairman for Troop and Crew 442 have held these positions continually since 2009. He is also an Assistant District Commissioner for Northern Star District with a Focus on Roundtable.
Joe was the Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner for Northern Star District from 2009 thru 2013.
Joe is also a District Award of Merit Winner North Star District in 2007 and a Silver Beaver Award Winner in 2014.
Joe is a Brotherhood Member of the Order of The Arrow.
Joe was a participant in Wood Badge Course SR 94 1 in 2009 and was a member of the Fox Patrol. Joe served on staff in Wood Badge Course S3–574–13–1 in 2013 as a Troop Guide for the Eagle Patrol. He will be serving on staff for Wood Badge Course S3-574-15 as an Assistant Scout Master for Troop Guides.
Nathan Champagne
Troop Guide
Coastal District
Bobwhite: S3-574-11-1
Nathan earned the Wolf and Bear badges and the Arrow of Light award as a Cub Scout. He served in various youth leadership positions, including Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader, as a Boy Scout. Eventually, he became an Eagle Scout.
Nathan put his scouting activities on hold while in college. His return to Scouting as an adult began when his eldest son became a Tiger Cub. Since then, he has been a Den Leader at various ranks, Assistant Cubmaster, and Cubmaster. He has been a Rangemaster at Cub Twilight Camps and Cub-O-Rees. He has been Treasurer and Membership Chairman for Troop 615. Currently, Nathan is an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 615.
He attended Wood Badge S3-574-11-1 as member of the Bobwhite Patrol and was Scribe for Wood Badge S3-574-13-1.
Stephen L. Jasinski
Troop Guide
Thunderbird District
Owl: S3-574-13-1
I began Scouting in 2011 when my son joined Pack 405 as a Tiger. In that year I began as an Assistant Den Leader. In 2012 I graduated to Committee Member, as well as Assistant Wolf Leader and got Rangemaster Certified. Over the course of the following years I continued to serve in the Pack as Committee Member, Pack Trainer, Assistant Cubmaster, and now Cubmaster.
In 2013 I attended Woodbadge S3-574-13-1 as an Owl and went on to earn my tickets. In that same year I attended National Camp School and became the Thunderbird Twilight Camp Program Director and would eventually serve as the Camp Director for 2014 and 2015.
I joined the Thunderbird Commissioner’s Corps in 2013 as a Unit Commissioner and was asked to accept the honor of District Commissioner for 2014 and 2015.
In 2014 I was awarded the District Award of Merit and, later, the Scouter’s Training award. My primary purpose in Scouting is to assure we have a solid and healthy program for the boys. It is my belief Scouting is an essential program to the health of our future generations as well as that of our Country.
Rick Lobrecht
Troop Guide
Thunderbird District
Bobwhite: S3-574-13-1
Rick was a Scout as a youth in Sam Houston Area Council, earning Arrow of Light, but stopping short of Eagle in his teenage years. He attended Philmont, and was elected to Order of the Arrow by his peers.
Rick returned to Scouting when his son joined Pack 414 as a Tiger Cub. He served on the Pack Committee, as Den Leader, and eventually as Pack Committee Chair. Membership in Pack 414 was a family affair. Rick’s wife Mary served as Advancement Chair.
Rick crossed over to Troop 414 with his son where he became an Assistant Scoutmaster. He currently serves as Scoutmaster for Troop 414, the largest Boy Scout Troop in Thunderbird District. He also served as Unit Commissioner, earning the Arrowhead Honor.
Rick completed Wood Badge S3-574-13-1 as part of the Bobwhite patrol.
Rick is a Petroleum Engineer from Texas A&M and has worked for Schlumberger for almost 20 years. He is currently Portfolio Manager for Schlumberger’s Decision Support software portfolio.
Rick and his wife Mary have been married for 16 years and together have four sons and eight grandchildren.
Paul Chauvel
Troop Guide
Cradle of Texas District
Fox: S3-574-13-1
Paul Chauvel grew up in Alaska where he enjoyed wilderness backpacking and fishing. Backpacking in the interior of Alaska is different in that a very high powered rifle, i.e., 375 magnum, is one of the 10 backpacking essentials.
Paul has been active in scouting for 10 years with Pack 366 in Richwood and Troop 324 in Lake Jackson.
Paul is a brother in the Order of the Arrow, is in the camp master program at Camp Kawakawa, helps Ranger PJ cut down trees and burn excess wood piles several times per year, teaches merit badges at fall and winter camp, and is currently part of the team that is restoring the nature lodge and nature trails on the North East side of camp.
Paul is a fox and attended Wood Badge in the spring of 2013.
Paul’s son Peter is an Eagle Scout in Troop 324.
Ed Wisenbaler
Troop Guide
Thunderbird District
Bear: S3-574-13-1
Ed began his Scouting career as a Wolf Scout in Clinton, Maryland.
As an Arrow of Light alumni he rejoined scouting when his son joined Pack 405 in Alvin as a Tiger Scout.
Ed has served as den leader in various positions and is currently the Webelos leader and Advancement Chair for pack 405.
He attended Wood Badge S3-574-13-1 as member of the Bear Patrol.
Skip Lentz
Troop Guide
Northern Star District
Buffalo: S3-574-13-1
Donna Hokanson
Northern Star District
Bobwhite: SR 291
Dona Hokanson, teacher, traveler and Scouter is currently a Mate with Ship 468. She started Boy Scouting in 1991 when her son wanted to become a Tiger Cub. Little did Dona know where this first step would take her?
Dona has held many different positions in Scouting since that first year as a Tiger Cub mom. She has been an Assistant Webelo Leader, Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 442, Assistant Venture Crew Advisor with Crew 442, District and Council Training Chair, summer camp archery instructor, Summer Camp Director and Quartermaster for JLTC 99-1. She has severed on multiple Wood Badge staffs as instructor, Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop Guides, Troop Guide and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.
In 2006 Dona became active in Sea Scout Ship 468. Her leadership and commitment to the Sea Scout program earned her the opportunity to prepare herself to be an instructor with the SEAL (Sea Scout Advanced Leadership) Training from 2007 to the present time. She was also the female adult leader for Galveston Base in 2007 and 2008. Nine days of sailing the Texas coast. Training other Scouters has also been a passion for Dona. She has been a part of several Universities of Scouting, Trainer Development conferences, as well as training leaders and Scouts at all levels of Scouting.
In 2010 Dona attended the National Jamboree as a Citizenship in the World instructor and returned in 2013 Assistant Director for the Sea Scout Maritime Adventure Experience.
Dona loves to learn and participated in Woodbadge SR- 291. She earned her beads as a Bobwhite and was elected as her patrols permanent patrol leader. She has participated in and staffed Seabadge and Powder Horn.
Dona is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.
In 2015 Dona was awarded the Silver Beaver Award.
Dave Hall
Coastal District
Bobwhite: SR 866
Dave is currently Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 609, merit badge councilor, and Coastal District Commissioner for the Boy Scout Roundtable. He has previously served as Assistant Den Leader, Pack Advancement Chairman, and Scoutmaster. Dave attended Wood Badge course SR-866 in 2007 and has been part of the Wood Badge staff in 2009, 2011, and 2013.
Dave has been honored with the Scoutmaster Award of Merit, the Orbiter Award, the Anchor Award, the District Award of Merit, and the Silver Beaver.
Dave was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout in the Blue Mountain Council, which serves portions of Washington and Oregon. He earned his Eagle Rank in 1969, and he attended the 1969 National Jamboree, in Idaho. His favorite memory of the 1969 Jamboree occurred on July 20 when he watched Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon, along with 34,000 other attendees.
Andy Tirpak
Coastal District
Fox: SR 795
As a youth I was in the Cub Scout program up to the rank of Bear and then moving three times in one year I found it difficult to stay with the program.
I had a few years away from Scouting until my son Justin registered as a Tiger Cub in Pack 120. Since then I have been active in the Cub Scout program as a Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Den Leader. I was the Assistant Cubmaster for Pack 120 for a year and I am currently serving as Cubmaster for Pack 120 in Galveston for the past 7 years.
Following my son Justin into the Boy Scout program I am also an Assistant Scout Master and Merit Badge Counselor in Troop 123 for 5 years and I am particularly proud of our trek at Philmont as part of Crew 613 A1 “Steak Sauce”.
I am an Arrowmen in the Wihinipa Hinsa Lodge of the Order of the Arrow and a full member since earning my Brotherhood and very much enjoys this facet of Scouting.
I have served as a member of the Bay Area Council Training team in the Coastal District for several years and currently am the Bay Area Council Training Chair.
I have served/helped/instructed at several BAC Twilight Camps, Crew Bashes and Summer Camps, Scouter Success Seminars and Pow Wows serving in one role or another mostly around the ranges while at Camp but have been an instructor a time or two.
In 2007, I was awarded the Bear Den Leader of the Year for the Coastal District. In 2009 I was awarded the BAC District Award of Merit and in 2015 I was awarded the Silver Beaver Award
I was a member of the Fox patrol in Wood Badge Course SR-795 and given the moniker the “Silver Fox”. I served on staff in Wood Badge Course SR-866 as Assistant Scribe and am serving on staff for S3-574-15 as Scribe.
For my life outside of Scouting – there is a life OUTSIDE of Scouting???? Well as we all know Scouting is ONLY 1 HOUR A WEEK!!!!
I attended Texas A&M University in Galveston and got my degree in Marine Biology in 1981 and am happy to say throughout the years I have continued to use my degree. I current work for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department as a Pollution Response Officer and Natural Resource Trustee for the State of Texas having been with TPWD for 17 years.
Tammy Rowden
Chaplain Aid / Assistant Scribe
Northern Star District
Bobwhite: S3-574-13-1
Tammy has been married for 23 years, is the mother to 3 sons who are Eagle Scouts and 1 daughter who has earned the Silver Venture Award and is a Venture Scout Ranger and is also in Sea Scouts.
Tammy has been involved with scouting for the last 14 years. She began a new Venture Crew in 2009 and is currently an Assistant Scoutmaster and Advancement Chair for Troop 442, Assistant Crew Advisor for Crew 442, Mate to Ship 45 and Assistant District Commissioner for Northern Star District where she has earned the Arrowhead Honor.
She has received Brotherhood in the Wihinipa Hinsa Lodge in the Order of the Arrow.
Tammy received the District Award of Merit in 2012.
Tammy has attended Philmont Scout Ranch, The Summit and Galveston Sea Scout Base where she continues to help at several scouting functions.
She attended Wood Badge course S3-574-13-1 as a Bobwhite.
Joel Sills
ASM – Facilities
Coastal District
Fox: S3-574-11-1
Joel began his scouting career as a cub scout in Japan and continued into Boy Scouts while in Japan. He was re-introduced to scouting when his oldest son became a Webelo with Pack 609. He became the pack trainer for Pack 609 and was also an assistant Den Leader working alongside his wife sheparding their youngest son through Cub Scouts.
Joel crossed over into Troop 609 with his oldest son and became an Assistant Scoutmaster. He left Troop 609 with his son and became one of the founding members of Troop 9310 where he serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster and the current Troop Quartermaster. Joel serves as a merit badge counselor for the troop for many of the technical merit badges. He also served as a troop guide for the very first “The Scouting Experience” course 574-1.
Joel attended Wood Badge course S3-574-11-1 as a member of the Bear Patrol.
Joe Rowden Sr.
Northern Star District
Owl: S3-574-13-1
My name is Joseph Patrick Rowden Sr.
I was born on February 22,1948 in St. Louis Missouri
After being an Industrial Equipment Service Technician for 35 years, I retired March 1, 2014.
I married my high school sweetheart Rita and we have been together 49 years. Rita and I have two sons Joseph P. Rowden Jr and Thomas A. Rowden. We also have 4 grandchildren: Joshua, Zachary, Nicole and Christopher.
I was a Wolf Cub Scout in 1955 – I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle home from a Cub Scout meeting and I did not return to Scouts full time until 2003 when I joined Troop 442 in Friendswood TX.
I am now an Assistant Scout Master for Troop 442 an Assistant Crew Advisor for Crew 442 and OA Brotherhood Member.
After completing the Wood Badge Course in 2013 as a Wood Badge Owl I went to BSA -National Camp School – and became a Bay Area Council Shooting Sports Director for Camp Karankawa.
Danny Carson
Kim Barker
Medical Safety Officer / Kitchen Staff
Coastal District
Beaver: SR-CS-13
Kimberly Barker has been active at all levels of Scouting. She is currently serving as a member of the Bay Area Council Risk Management Team, Council NCAP Chair and a Board Member of the Bay Area Council. She has been a member of the National Program Content Committee since 2009, and since 2013 she has served as the Cub Scout liaison for the National Youth Development Task Force, a subcommittee of the National Program Impact Committee. She served on the National Cub Scout Adventure Team Task Force which authored the new Cub Scout handbooks and Den Leader handbooks, chaired the task force which is writing the Pack Meeting Plans for the new program, and is the National liaison to Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama for the rollout of the new Cub Scout Program.
Kim has served as Council Training Chair, Vice President of Administration, and Council Commissioner for the Bay Area Council. She also served as the Race for Cub Scouting Chair for Area 2 of the Southern Region. She has served as staff for National Camping School, faculty for the Philmont Training Center, Assistant Chief of Patient Admissions and Dispositions for the National Jamboree, and Chairman of the Themes Task Force for the National Cub Scout Committee. She has attended Powder Horn, served as Course Director for Wood Badge and is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow.
Her service has been recognized with the Den Leader Award, Cub Scouter Award, Cubmaster Award, Scouter’s Training Award, Commissioner’s Key, William D. Boyce Award, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver and Silver Antelope. She is also a James E. West Fellow.
When not at scouting functions, Kim can be found actively participating in her community by serving on multiple charitable boards. Kim is also currently serving on a national committee for Assistance League. She has been awarded the Presidential Lifetime Volunteer Service Award by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a division of the federal government; the Citation Award from Clear Lake Panhellenic; and both the Texas Lifetime Membership and Extended Service awards from Texas PTA for her volunteer service.
By profession, Kim is a Registered Nurse. She is on her thirtieth year working in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Memorial Hermann Hospital in the Texas Medical Center.
Kim’s most prized roles are wife of Scoutmaster Husband Dave and mother of Eagle Scouts Alan and Zack.
Robin Tickell
Quartermaster / Kitchen Staff
Coastal District
Beaver: S3-574-11-1
I became involved in scouting when my son was a Tiger scout when I found out there was not a “coach” already assigned. My Tiger scout is now a 15 year old Life scout working towards the big goal. I must say I am so happy I raised my hand to volunteer that evening, I have met so many wonderful friends, learned a lot through scouting and my family has had experiences that we would have never of had if not for the scouting program. I have served in Cubs as Tiger Den Leader, Treasurer, Committee Chair, Popcorn Kernel (pack, troop and council). Once I crossed over with my son I have had the fun of Leave No Trace Trainer, BSA Lifeguard and Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 9310.
My husband and I are both very involved in scouting. We have worn many different hats in scouting and I have enjoyed all the experiences that have come our way.
Becky Hull
Kitchen Staff
Coastal District
Bob White: S3-574-11-1